Fun Time Horror Show
The All New Fun Time Horror Show, a 2023 relaunch of the classic horror variety show. The only format is there is no format. Every episode will be a unique experience covering a wide array of content including true crime, ghost stories, UFO's, creepy pasta reenactments and more. All of the stories we cover will have a certain level or grossness and overall weirdness while some will contain extreme depictions of gore and violence so we recommend to use discretion when listening. To support our show, simply go to and click the HEART icon. You can also support the Show with the following: Cash App: $funtimehorror, Buy Me a Coffee:, Patreon:, Pay Pal: @funtimehorror
Fun Time Horror Show
#26 Archives: Russian Sleep Experiment
Lucas Garza & Tommy Bell
Episode 26
The Russian Sleep Experiment is a creepypasta which tells the tale of 5 test subjects being exposed to an experimental sleep-inhibiting stimulant in a Soviet-era scientific experiment, which has become the basis of an urban legend. Many news organizations, including Snopes,, and LiveAbout, trace the story's origins to a website, now known as the Creepypasta Wiki, being posted on August 10, 2010, by a user named OrangeSoda, whose real name is unknown.